“Together La Salle”: A Partnership and Pilot Project 

Students in Michigan hear about our Lasallian ministries in Cambodia. Students in Albany, New York hear about our work with refugees and marginalized students in the Middle East, Latin America and Southern Asia. Lasallian students in New York City hear about the challenges of rural educational opportunities in South Sudan, Guatemala and Sri Lanka. All Lasallians are learning to have the best and brightest future possible. 

This is Lasallian awareness is one part of our “Together La Salle” project. In partnership with Christian Brothers Investment Services and La Salle Foundation (Rome), La Salle International Foundation is leading a project with students at four high schools in the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) to discover the impact and value of applying Lasallian Catholic principles to business/investment practices. This program provides awareness of our worldwide Lasallian mission, and thanks to the generosity of a foundation donation, shares resources with other Lasallian students in various parts of the world through microgrants.  

In 2024, Christian Brothers Investment Services staff and interns created the framework for a Catholic investment activity using a common stock market game and shared instructions about the basic tenets of Catholic investing practices. Students from the four schools involved are investing to see which can have the best return on investment using Catholic investing practices.   

In early 2025, the students will work with Christian Brothers Conference and La Salle International Foundation staff to create a simple grant application form and ask students from Lasallian ministries to apply for microgrants of up to $2,000 to support other Lasallian students around the world. After reviewing the applications, the students will decide which requests to fund and support.   

Lasallian education includes understanding social responsibility in all areas, including business education. It calls us to know about our fellow Lasallians around the world and to share our resources with others when we can. If the pilot project is successful, La Salle International Foundation will look to expand the project to more schools within RELAN and find ways to fund the microgrant project going forward.  

Thank you to Christian Brothers Conference, Christian Brothers Investment Services, La Salle Foundation (Rome), our high school pilot sites within the District of Eastern North America, and the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation for their support.