We Promote Positive Change for a Better World
Through Educational, Health, and Human Services
Featured Projects
80 Participating Countries
330 Years of Service
1081 Educational Sites
1.2M People Helped Daily
Success Stories
Financial Transparency
We believe that financial transparency is important for all public nonprofits. As such, we welcome you to take a look at our numbers. We’re proud of them.
The links to the right will connect you to the annual reports for our operations from 2008 to the present. Those annual reports contain financial information on what we are doing and the projects we are supporting. Our complete IRS Form 990 filings are available at a number of different websites (such as GuideStar) and we welcome your analysis and comments.
Should you desire any additional details, please feel free to call or visit our offices. We’re pleased with our accomplishments achieved with the help of our donors. Our accounting records are always open for inspection.
Annual Reports
We invite you to see how our donors have enabled us to achieve remarkable results.