A creative water-catchment program is being developed in Pozo Colorado, Paraguay, to provide water for a residential primary school of 300 students. Students live at the school for nine months (without breaks), so water supplies are essential. This WASH Project will provide adequate water through the construction of a comprehensive water containment system.
Ethiopia's Tigray region armed conflict is endangering tens of thousands, causing loss of homes, eliminating food supplies, and creating health insecurities. To assist these conflict-affected families, women, and children, La Salle International has launched a fundraising appeal. Financial assistance from this appeal will enable trusted regional partners in Tigray to provide emergency and humanitarian relief efforts.
With the end of the 20-year Afghanistan war, approximately 50,000 Afghans have been flown to the United States where they await resettlement. As part of "Operation Allies Welcome," La Salle International is working with other NGOs to provide morale, well-being, and recreational services for residents of temporary living quarters pending processing and final resettlement. A La Salle International Foundation volunteer is shown coaching Afghan youth soccer at a New Mexico temporary housing facility for evacuees.
CLIMA is a highly successful program in Burkina Faso that welcomes aspiring farmers for training in agricultural best practices. This two-year program enables farmers to implement climate-sensitive agriculture techniques and modalities, learn best practices for animal husbandry, and understand the finances involved in profitably operating their own farms. The CLIMA model engages the entire family: spouses are taught employable skills such as sewing, which can help with the self-sustainability of the family, while children receive day-care and academic instruction. At the end of the two years of training, families return to their villages to disseminate their knowledge and assist others in becoming better farmers.
The Lasallian Women of Hope program assists girls and women to gain full access to Lasallian education. The program awards small grants which eliminate hurdles females encounter while attending Lasallian institutions. The program is a grassroots project with representation from the five regions of the Lasallian world.
On August 4th, a massive explosion ripped through central Beirut, killing hundreds of people and injuring thousands more. The blast rocked the Lebanese capital’s port area, flattened buildings, and caused significant damage to three Lasallian schools. Already extremely fragile politically and reeling from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, this catastrophe was the tipping point which has overwhelmed the people of Beirut. To be of immediate assistance, La Salle International has launched an emergency, humanitarian appeal.
We are participating in a COVID-19 global fundraising appeal which has been launched by the De La Salle Solidarity and Development ONLUS (Secretariat) to assist Lasallian schools, students, staff and families located in developing nations and island states. Funds will be used for urgently needed humanitarian assistance in Central and South America, Africa, the Mideast, India, South Asia and the Pacific Islands.
The “Centre de Vie” (Center for Life) in Alexandria, Egypt provides specialized educational and life skill training to autistic children and young adults with physical or mental challenges.
Venezuela ranks among the world's worst social collapses. Suffering from out-of-control hyperinflation, greatly reduced medical services, elimination of social programs, and widespread starvation, it is an intense humanitarian crisis. This campaign keeps students in school by providing lunches.
This man is NOT riding a bicycle. He is using Azada Verde's innovative bici-pump to irrigate crops. This environmentally friendly design effectively provides food security, generates family income, and addresses childhood nutrition through special targetted programs.