A Special Partnership with Loyola Foundation for Young People in Argentina 

Group meeting around tables in a room.

The Loyola Foundation, a family-based charitable organization primarily dedicated to supporting overseas Catholic mission activities in less developed countries, has partnered with the La Salle International Foundation and Lasallian ministries worldwide for years. In 2024, that partnership strengthened to a new level as Loyola Foundation board members sought out and selected a special “impact project.”   …

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“Together La Salle”: A Partnership and Pilot Project 

Teacher lecturing high school students in class.

Students in Michigan hear about our Lasallian ministries in Cambodia. Students in Albany, New York hear about our work with refugees and marginalized students in the Middle East, Latin America and Southern Asia. Lasallian students in New York City hear about the challenges of rural educational opportunities in South Sudan, Guatemala and Sri Lanka. All…

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